Thursday April 15, 2004

Hi ALL, They took out the drainage tubes today BUT!! had no written permission to take out the stitches as the Dr's said the other day (someone dropped the ball on the permission). Danny was doing good all day and this morning wouldn't even let us help him shave he left it a bit choppy "BUT NOT BAD FOR THE FIRST TIME TRY".

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All things considered Danny is doing GREAT BUT! by no means is perfectly OK! He has his good moments and bad, this with the shaving is one of his better ones. As I tried to explain to his brother in a note last night when he mentioned he may be coming down to see him. Different things that he does & some more below that I didn't tell him about.


 Hi Floyd, Danny did try to shave but it took him about a half an hour to do so and then he left patches I wanted to try and smooth him out but he motioned no.

He had to go back to bed after that because he was so tired and then it was  time for his meds which knocked him out, he gets disoriented from them. And get so frustrated because he can't talk or have what he wants. He wants ice & food and can't have either. He won't even let me put the phone to his ear now for someone  to talk to him because he can't talk back.

 They were talking about taking him to another place in Tallahassee for rehab to teach him to talk and walk, he can only barely just stand by the bed and scoot to the chair, but no date yet as to when. He is still in ICU.

 He gets upset easy like today he wanted his glasses & he wanted the cell phone, glasses he got but I wouldn't let him keep the cell because I watched him with it for 20 minuets  and he was like a child punching buttons and not knowing what he was doing with it at all.  So  when I started to leave I reached to take it and he jerked it back wanting to keep it, like a child  it was familiar to him but he can't us it, so I just reached and took it from him, then like a child started hitting his self in the head with the palms of his hands in a tantrum. So again I had to just walk away and let him fret.

 I HATE doing that, leaving him that way but you can't reason with him on those drugs, he has even thought that some of the equipment around him was a BOMB! and motioned to me not to come in the room and pointed it mouthing BOMB! BOMB! and wave don't come in. Prayers & Best Wishes Gloria


So you see if anyone comes around him it is hard to tell what you will be faced with at this stage of the game,. I see him through all kind of things through out the day which is from about 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM and it is hard to see him as he is because this just is not Danny & I pray that it is only the drugs doing this to him and not brain damage which will not be for sure till he is clean from the drugs. He kind of reminds me of seeing a drunk with  the DT's.

Plus he has gotten on crying jag's and wanted to give away his bible and things he had in the room., like the other day he wouldn't settle down till the nurse tool the bible he wanted her to have and she kept it at the desk till I left and I picked it up and took it home with me. He also while I was there tried to give Ray the stuffed rabbits Mike and Toni gave him for Critter & C. J. Easter  along with a Bible book. The TV is another thing, he keeps turning the channels over & over & over till I just want to scream, he won't leave it on anything longer than five minuets at a time and today he kept turning the sound up, I went over twice and turned it down and his look could have cut me like a knife. So you see he is OK but NOT OK at the same time if that makes any since.

Friday April 16, 2004

Hello ALL! This morning when I got to the hospital Danny had a "SURPRISE FOR ME" he had a different trachea in with a little cross bar cap on it which allowed him to talk , which they put on last night. BUT! within an hour of getting there they "SURPRISED HIM" and did away with the "whole trachea" as shown in the pictures below. 

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From left to right: 1. Danny took a picture of Gary who works at the office desk most of the time that I have been there, but helps out when needed for patents, and today with a little help from Danny they almost got to preaching which as Martha Stewart says "IS A GOOD THING" . 2 & 3 Danny just after getting the trachea out. 4. The Speech Therapist gave Danny oatmeal with honey and some other things for breakfast. Then brought him some broiled chicken, carrots and pudding for his lunch to. He ate part of it and I finished the rest. They will hook the feeder back to him for the evening feeding. 5. Was as I was getting ready to come home. 


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